COVID-19 + Landlords


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a rapidly changing situation. We wanted to provide an update on how this is affecting landlords.

As it relates to Friday’s Michigan Order on evictions, below are the primary takeaways:

  • Termination Notices. Generally, limits issuance of a termination notice to situations where a tenant “poses substantial risk to another individual or an imminent and severe risk to property.” 

  • Nonpayment of Rent Notices. A 7-Day Notice can be issued but must be sent via first-class mail rather than personal delivery.

  • Execution of Writs. A Writ can only be executed to remove people and/or personal property if a tenant “poses substantial risk to another individual or an imminent and severe risk to property.” Thus, a writ cannot be executed for other legal action, such as a nonpayment case.

Regarding the “Stay-at-Home” order that was effective yesterday we wanted to share our reasonable interpretation as it relates to landlords in Michigan: 

  • Allowing a maintenance person to address maintenance emergencies on an individual’s home that they currently reside in, such as plumbing and heating issues, may be reasonable.

  • Non-emergency maintenance and property inspections must be put on hold.

Many landlords are currently discussing the inability to pay rent with their tenants. Though open communication is beneficial during these times, we are urging you to have agreements or payment arrangements executed in writing. Such agreements minimize the risk that well-intentioned expressions of empathy or vague statements can cause.

Rental Management One is currently helping many landlords navigate these rough waters. If you have a client who would like to assistance of a property management company, please pass on our information. Our team is working remotely and on standby to assist you and your clients.


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