A Space to Grow, Learn, Make Friends… and Meditate!

In celebration of World Meditation Day, our Suite Spot this week is a place where you can find peace, community and wellness.

Red Lotus Yoga opened in 2003 and is owned by Brian Granader. Along with owning the studio, Brian is the director of the Red Lotus Yoga School and a proud husband, father, yoga teacher and coach.

Though prior to building a career in yoga, Brian was a top producing Realtor. In the top 1% of all Realtors within his nationwide brokerage and in the top 1.5% of Realtors locally, Brian met every definition of success. Though, he found himself searching for an outlet to help him press pause on his non-stop schedule. That was when he walked into his first yoga class.

"After practicing yoga for about a year, I took a teacher training program to deepen my practice and knowledge. I enjoyed it so much, I began teaching part time while selling real estate full time."

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"Begin a meditation practice that you enjoy enough to do regularly.

Brian Granader
Owner of Red Lotus Yoga

On an inspiring and fateful day, Brian asked himself if he had just six months to live, what would he be happiest doing? The answer was yoga. "That day I decided to teach yoga full time and transition out of real estate... I never looked back!"

For that, our community can be thankful! Red Lotus Yoga has helped countless people in the local metro Detroit area find a space to retreat, grow, learn, work, make friends ... and meditate!

If you're looking to start meditating, Brian recommends that you "begin a meditation practice that you enjoy enough to do regularly." Whether you download an app or listen to a recording on YouTube or have a private lesson with a meditation teacher, Brian shared that "the key is consistency and setting realistic expectations, like starting with three minutes a day, five days a week."

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In our busy world, it can be hard to find a few spare minutes for stillness. Though, you will be glad you did as Brian shared the benefits of mediation is "a very, very long list!" Brian added, "It will literally change the structure of your brain, allowing meditators to respond in new, healthy ways to stimuli."

Your brain isn't the only part that reaps the benefits of meditation, other areas of your body do, too. "Meditation can also help with stress reduction and therefore reduce the effects of stress-related disease like heart disease, GI issues, back pain and more."

If those perks aren't enough to get you on the cushion, Brian also shared the ultimate outcome he's experienced from keeping up with a consistent meditation practice."Without getting too woo-woo, I know I am a better father, husband and teacher when I'm meditating and when I'm not... the train tends to fall off the tracks."

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As HomeSuite is in the business of real estate, something Brian is familiar with, we asked if he had any advice to share with people who are going through big transitions, such as buying a new home. Brian suggested the mantra, "Life is happening for us, not to us." It's great to keep that in mind, and our HomeSuite team does everything possible to help life happen FOR you!

If you're intrigued in trying meditation or yoga, definitely look for a local studio near you. Based in Rochester, all new yoga students can try Red Lotus Yoga for $30 for 30 days. Brian also teaches private meditation lessons and goes to businesses and groups to teach mindfulness.

To end, Brian shared that if he were to ask himself now the same question he asked himself in 2002, his answer would still be yoga. We're grateful for the wisdom and inspiration you bring to our community, Brian!

Happy World Meditation Day!

This Suite Spot feature was brought to you by the local HomeSuite companies: John Adams Mortgage, Insurance One, Capital Title and Rental Management One. We have every real estate service under one roof ready to help you make moves!

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